Why should you study with me? Do I know everything about English? Well, not everything, but for my students who sometimes complain about my being a "grammar nazi", perhaps too much. In reality, I only use an average of about 25 grammar terms on a regular basis, things like "participle", "gerund", "auxiliary verb", and so forth. I just think it is a lot easier to use these as references when correcting students than it would be to teach the language as if each word is unique. Do I have some magical technique? No, but I do have a keen mind and can multi-task, which means that I can deal with several students' specific needs at one time. Honestly, this is also a disadvantage, as when class sizes are small, sometimes students feel that I am not devoting all my attention to them, which really is True. When one is used to multiple points of focus, fewer means that the job at hand requires less concentration. Imagine a juggler who is used to seven balls in the air at once, so what happens if we reduce it to just one or two. I assure you that my greatest technique is treating every student as an individual, even in a group environment, and that I pay very close attention to everything. What is your success rate? By my estimation, over half of the students who study with me for at least a semester go abroad for study or work, the latter includes being sent abroad by local or locally-operating foreign companies for work and training. I put a lot into getting my students abroad, including helping them with their applications and résumés, all at no extra charge. In general, I teach less to assist students in gaming exams like the TOEFL, and more to help students become comfortable in using the language as a medium of communication. In some ways, I treat students as native English speakers who have forgotten the language. What is your competitive advantage? I really care that my students succeed. I always say that the better they do, the better I look. Most of the learning process does not happen in class, but through homework and other tasks. Class is a test where your mistakes are noted and explained in real time. I attempt to provide additional class time as possible. For instance, most of my groups meet at least six hours a week, excluding "mini-classes" (less) and "intensives" (more). I do this so that each student has the maximum amount of time to test his or her abilities, which is also why I get quite angry when students do not push themselves. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me. Furthermore, I invite you to come for a trial lesson to see if you like my teaching style. My methods are not for everyone, but if you really want to learn the language, I believe that I can help you.

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