I have a student now who is temporarily back form the U.S., where he has prepaid US$20 thousand for nine months of study at a language school outside of New York. We can imagine that US$1000 per month is the actual tuition fee, though it is probably more, while the rest is for dormitory and boarding fees. There, he is in classes of 13-15 students for six hours a day, five days a week. Here, maximum group size is seven students, and I have classes on Saturdays too. This student is now studying intensively with me, taking four classes: FIT +GMAT (evening), FIT +Business (evening), FIT +Law&Medicine (afternoon), and FIT Intensive (morning). As students pay full price for their first class, and then half the price of each additional class, his total for the four groups, which includes clubs and testing, is KZT 46 250 per month (though he is only here for one week, so a quarter of that price). Effectively, he is paying the equivalent US$300 per month for between five and seven hours a day of classes, which are usually half the size of his classes there. So, if you really want to study intensively, come to me. It is less expensive, more personal, and you can stay close to home, where there are fewer random acts of gun violence.

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